Founder ISA Power, Isabelle Plasmeijer

Founder ISA Power, Isabelle Plasmeijer

Share your story

Your story matters. When I was a kid I was insecure about sharing my story, my adventures, my heartaches and lessons, convinced it was not useful to others. But, I found out that I was totally wrong. After publishing three books I know how important it is too share your wisdom with others. Especially sharing my life experience with sufferers of an eating disorder. My story matters, just like yours. Your life lessons can be very valuable to others. And we are looking for people who are willing to share. Because sharing is caring.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for you! You love to write, you are creative, and you want to inspire others. You want to empower others with you 'Story of Hope'. You are (nearly) recovered and you want to help others as well. 

If this description fits you, then please write a motivation letter (including a inspring story about yourself, the life lessons your eating disorder taught you, the adventures you made, the do's and the dont's) and send this to:

Below some examples of 'Stories of Hope' that our volunteers wrote. 

story of hope Nr. 1

eating disorder bulimia


She was my friend. My faithful companion. Thanks to her, people could try to hurt me, even leave me, not love me, and still I wouldn’t feel hurt or unloved. I felt nothing. Well, only sometimes, at 3 A.M. in the morning when I had....

story of hope nr. 2

Eating disorder and control


I had an eating disorder from the age of 14 up until… well it’s hard to say because even once I had regained a ‘healthy’ weight, the control patterns still persisted in my mind. So my recovery continued for several....

story of hope nr. 3

Self love eating disorder


It is an illusion to think that only if you are thin or lean you can be happy. What I am trying to teach people is that your body is your instrument, nothing more. It doesn’t matter whether you are big, or small, or extremely fit... 

Want to write more? 

For our section "Interesting articles" we are looking for people who love to write like journalists. These articles are informative, educational and contain facts & figures. If you are interested then apply now:

INteresting art. 1

Dare to dream


A person who dreams big is an ordinary person. People who dream are considered unrealistic, stupid even sometimes. What makes dreamers extraordinary is that they find the courage, heart, and discipline to make their dream come true.

Interesting art. 2

Mothers with eating disorders


Being a mum can be very challenging. But being a mum and having an eating disorder as well is even worse. We tend to think of having an eating disorder as a teenage disease or affliction. And, indeed, in many cases, that's when you first feel it pull. 

Interesting art. 3

Males WITH E.D.

Men can be very unhappy with their bodies too. The actual rates of body dissatisfaction in males are approaching the same number of that of females. However, for males body dissatisfaction is more commonly manifested in a lean and muscular body.

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