1 DAY - (B)EAT IT workshop
You want to beat your eating disorder but don't know how. Going to a workshop can be very scary and exciting at the same time. So just bring a friend along for FREE. Whether it be your mother, sister or a good friend, all is good. Let's beat this together. (B)EAT IT is a teambuilding event.
A workshop about
Dreaming and visualising your dreams
Making a breakthrough and step up
Self confidence and self love
The real function of your body
Becoming the best version of yourself
The greatest thing is that the coaches of ISA Power speak from experience and are not afraid to be vulnerable. They will speak about their journey of recovery; with a tear, honesty, humor and respect they will motivate and inspire you to get started!
"After today I know where I stand and where I need to go, and without thinking what others will think or say about!" - Femke
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Cancelling is possible
7 days before the event; no cancellation cost. If you cancel within 7 days before the event the company policy applies.