About ISA Power
ISA Power has earned a reputation for helping both local and international clientele achieve full and lasting recovery from a wide range of eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, and Ed-nos.
The multi-disciplinary team include professional coaches and therapists; NLP coaches, Life coaches, counselors, dieticians, PMT therapist, EMDR therapist, psychologist, drama therapist and a hypnotherapist. The coaches have all fully recovered from their eating disorder. They are the living proof that recovery is possible.
Isabelle Plasmeijer, Director of ISA Power
I have a personal passion to help people in becoming the best version of themselves. After I recovered from my own eating disorder I wrote my first book and set up ISA Power in 2013.
A team of enthusiastic and professional (experienced) coaches are here to help you and your family. With our unique coaching programs, training, events, workshops and tailor made programs we help people from all around the world. Sometimes we fly to our clients and help them in their own home. Our goal is to create lasting change. Meet the rest of the team.
It’s our mission to inspire, stimulate and activate people, so they are capable of awakening their inner strengths and learn how to be happier, grateful and proud human beings.
By sharing knowledge and giving insights (through our personal coaching, events, training and workshops) we help people achieve a higher level of consciousness. We give back reason and meaning to their lives, so that they can experience more energy, happiness and joy in their life.
Customer satisfaction ⑨
Our customers highly appreciate our coaching & training. That makes us very proud, but we are more proud at those who overcome their eating disorder. Read the testimonials of our clients (+ parents) how they evaluate our help.
How do we work?
Our main goals is long term result and therefore we work with a wide range of coach and therapeutic techniques, such as: Behavioral therapy, Mindfulness, Psycho Motoric Therapy (PMT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Hypnose, Massages (Emotional Release Massages), Multi Family Therapy (MFT), creative and expressive dance therapy, dietitians, group therapy (events and workshops). Furthermore, Psycho-education is an important part of our coaching. We also give much of attention to educate schools, teachers and parents about the cause of eating disorders, risk factors, and how to prevent this.
Can we help anybody?
We will help anybody that is willing to accept our help and wishes to grow and overcome their fears. However, we do not have a clinic and can not provide inpatient, hospitalization or medical help.
Our clients most commonly seek help for the following:
eating disorders / depression
anxiety / panic disorders / anger issues
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
self-harm / abuse