Guestlecture eating disorders

'How can you survive one day on two Granny Smith apples?' 'Did you really think you were fat?' 'Why did it happen to you?' 'How come it took so long to recover?' 'What did your parents do?' These are examples of questions that students asked Isabelle after she shared her story! Overcoming an eating disorder feels like winning a golden medal. Isabelle sees her eating disorder as her gift in life. Isabelle will talk about how you can overcome insecurities.

Guest lectures (18+ years):
✓ College
✓ Universities

Guest lectures (13+ years):
✓ Primary school
✓ Secondary school
✓ High school

Let's prevent eating disorders

Research has shown that most eating disorders develop during puberty - in fact they start with a innocent tempt to lose weight - and these diets become an obsession - which can turn into a depression. Isabelle informs and confronts students with their limiting believes about life, themselves, and inspires them to stand up - and be vulnerable - to love themselves and to life with compassion for each other - but most importantly to have compassion for yourself.  

Isabelle will talk about

Self image and self worth, the function of our body, the ideal of beauty (through the ages), media and photoshop and how important it is to express you emotions and talk about traumas.

The videos below are in Dutch, but will give a good impression of the guest lecture eating disorders. 

We invited Isabelle Plasmeijer as our guest speaker to inform our psychology students (of the University of Groningen) With her story she kept the audience interested from beginning to the end. Her story was well balanced with theory and personal experience. Because we have many international students Isabelle spoke in English, which went excellent. Isabelle’s level of English is superb. We are extremely satisfied with the speech of Isabelle, and we received a lot of positive feedback from our students afterwards.

Narda Visser - commissaris VIP
Dutch psychology students RUG. Studie vereniging VIP

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