Learn to be calm in times of stress


Source: unsplash.com, Jared Rice

Source: unsplash.com, Jared Rice

Meditation is an ideal way to unwind and refocus. Random hormones, changes to your body and unpredictable emotions can be kept in check with a few moments to yourself. Combine this with self-isolation, little social contact and round-the-clock news, it isn’t surprising you need time to reset.

What is meditation? 🧘🏽‍♀️

The traditional image of meditation is someone sat crossed-legged on the floor, hand resting on their knees, chanting “omm” intermittently. While this is one way to meditate, it isn’t the only way. You can meditate while laying down, in the bath, in the garden or sitting in the sun.

In simple terms, meditation is the concept of trying to focus specifically and clearly on one thing—your breathing, the sounds around you, candlelight or how your skin feels. By meditating you learn to acknowledge your thoughts —the good and the bad, the scary and the fun — and eventually accept them.

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you” — Oprah Winfrey

Source: Unsplash.com, Banter Snaps

Source: Unsplash.com, Banter Snaps

Meditation TIPS

📌 Try to find the right place and the right moment to start with this new habit.

📌 Wear the most comfortable clothes.

📌 Create a habit for at least 5 min a day to meditate. (Start with 5 min, try how it feels, everyday you can increase 5 more min till you reach a 45 min meditation session).

📌 Set a “relaxing” playlist to get in the mood easily.

📌 Bringing some company along (a good friend, mom/dad, siblings ) can always make the exercises easier and fun!

📌 Aromatic candles can help you to relax, feel calm, energized and help your brain get into a more productive mindset.


How to meditate step by step

  1. Find somewhere relaxing and peaceful. This could be in your favorite chair, in the garden or your house, sitting in front of the beach, or even on a park bench. It should be somewhere you can switch off.

  2. Get comfortable. Sit or lie down - you should feel stable (but not stiff) with a solid posture and shoulders rolled back.

  3. Close your eyes (if you want to). Focus on your breathing. How are you breathing? Is it slow and shallow or fast and deep?

  4. Observe your thoughts. When a new thought creeps in, process it and then release it, without judgement.

  5. Be aware of your body. Take your time to adjust to how your body feels. If you move or scratch and itch, think through the action before undertaking it. Be in the moment when you complete the action.

  6. Take several minutes. Each time you catch your mind wandering, return to focusing on your breathing.

  7. Open your eyes. Take a moment to appreciate how clear your mind is and how your body feels. Take in your environment, thinking of each of your senses (what you can smell and touch). When you are ready get up and continue with your day!

LITTLE REMINDER: Some days may be easier and some days may be more difficult than others. But always REMEMBER that you are not alone in this journey, YOU GOT THIS!

Meditation is a skill

Don’t worry if it doesn’t feel quite right at first. It takes time to learn how to meditate and how to tune your thoughts. You might find that the more you meditate, the more erratic or scary your thoughts become. This is completely normal - spending more time focusing on your thoughts means that emotions you often suppress will be given space to come to the surface. Take your time, relax into and just keep practicing.

Source: unsplash.com, Bekir Dönmez

Source: unsplash.com, Bekir Dönmez


📌 Makes you feel happier

📌 Improves your memory

📌 Encourages Mindfulness

📌 Improves concentration

📌 Reduces stress

📌 Makes your feel more grateful

📌 Gives you satisfactory feelings

📌 Helps to control your emotions

📌 Learns you how to tame your mind

📌 Encourages a healthy lifestyle

Have you tried meditating? Or do you already meditate regularly? We would love to hear your experiences!

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