You can overcome your eating disorder!
Recovering from an eating disorder is possible. With a holistic approach, we look beyond the physical and mental problems. People with an eating disorder often experience a lack of identity. They struggle with life questions such as 'who am I?, 'why am I here?' and 'what is my place on earth?' The eating problem can then become an escape and/or a false identity. We help you discover what you do need.
We are devoted to help you and your family
With our unique eating disorder treatment programs - and the willingness to recover - we believe you can do this too. Our professional coaches are the living proof that recovery is possible; they have fully recovered from their own eating disorder.
You! We are convinced that you are unique
Examine “why” you have an eating disorder
Personal development; develop your true self Break the vicious circle and beat your eating disorder
Overcome and reverse negative thought patterns
Creating long-term results; physical and mental health
We coach people with anorexia, bulimia, OSFED, binge eating disorder (BED) and other eating problems. We have unique programs, also for young children with an eating disorder. From more than twenty locations in the Netherlands we offer help in overcoming your eating disorder, also through video calling.
We have a program for young children from 8 to 12 years old
For children/youth from 12 to 16 years
We have programs for 16+ and adults
And we also offer help to parents and other allies
In addition to speaking Dutch, some ISA Power coaches also speak English, Frisian, German, French, Russian, Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian.