Motivational talk Eating Disorder

Isabelle Plasmeijer, Motivational Speaker and Author

Overcoming a eating disorder feels like a victory. You will not find many people who dare to speak so openly and freely about their own struggle. It was the eating disorder itself that helped Isabelle Plasmeijer transform into a wise, strong and independent women. 

Isabelle Plasmeijer sees her eating disorder as her gift in life. She has overcome her battle with anorexia and bulimia and became a well-known motivational speaker, author and inspiration to men and women everywhere.

Isabelle will continue her travels nationally and internationally, speaking to high school and college students and other audiences, and on national news and talk programs on eating disorders and body image issues. She openly shares her personal story in order to generate awareness of the pervasiveness of eating disorders, and to encourage others to seek early intervention.  

The author of The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: a workbook for family & friends, Plasmeijer is also contributing her personal experience to train organisations and other professionals. She is a regular guest on national television shows and radio programs, and she writes regularly for other publications. 

Isabelle will take the audience on a journey into the brain of somebody who is anorectic (and bulimic). Isabelle has spoken about her own disease to students, psychologists and professors at schools and universities. 

'How come people with anorexia think they are fat?' 'How does therapy, and recovery look like?' 'What helped you in your recovery?' These are some examples of questions that students asked Isabelle after she shared her story.

Book Isabelle as a speaker!

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